tetris challenge - Sporttudományi és Testnevelési Intézet

Institute of Sport Science and Physical Education
The Institute of Sport Sciences and Physical Education has a long and rich tradition in both teaching and research. The physical educator teacher programme was established in 1946 at the Institutes predecessor the Pedagogical College of Pécs. The Institute and its programmes is one of the most influential educational organisation in the field of sport and physical education. The Institutions mission today is to provide Bachelor and Master programmes in sport scientific related fields. The students can obtain Physical Educator-Trainer or Sport Manager Bachelor Degree and Recreation Expert at Masters Degree. In our Physical Educator-Trainer BSc and Recreation Expert MSc both full and part time (correspondent) trainings are available. Above these programmes the Institution is also active as Higher-level vocational training centre. We are offering NTR (National Training Registry) programmes in the fields of coaching, pedagogy training and further training, and we also contribute in many doctoral programmes aiming for scientific renewal.
University of Pécs
Faculty of Sciences
Institute of Sport Science and Physical Education
H-7624 Pécs, Ifjúság útja 6.
Phone: +36-72-503-600
Fax: +36-72-501-519
E-mail: hegedus