OTN-PHYC-T – Physical chemistry
2024/25 fall semester
Lecture slides (pdf):
Date: | Topic: |
09.02. (Week 1) | Perfect and real gases The 1st law of thermodynamics |
09.09. (Week 2) | Thermochemistry The 2nd and 3rd law of thermodynamics, potential functions |
09.16. (Week 3) | Chemical potential, thermodynamics of one-component systems Multicomponent systems: mixtures and solutions |
09.30. (Week 5) | Phase rule Chemical equilibrium, the effect of conditions on chemical equilibrium |
10.07. (Week 6) | Equilibrium electrochemistry Dynamic electrochemistry |
10.14. (Week 7) | Transport processes Reaction kinetics, reaction mechanisms |
10.21. (Week 8) | Kinetics of heterogeneous reactions Activation theories, non-thermal activation |
Laboratory practice
Safety instructions and general guide
How to prepate a laboratory notebook
1 Temperature dependent decomposition of acetylsalicylic acid
2 Determination of the dissociation constant of a weak acid by conductometry
3 Quantitative description of an adsorption process by the Langmuir isotherm
7 Determination of solubility product and enthalpy of solution by conductometry
8 Determination of acid dissociation constant of a weak acid by pH-potentiometry
9 Determination of the dissociation constant of a pH-indicator
11 Determination of the enthalpy of neutralization by calorimetry
Weekly schedule
T1 (Friday 10:00-13:30):
Date: | Group 1 | Group 2 | Group 3 | Group 4 | Group 5 | Group 6 | Group 7 | Group 8 | Group 9 | Group 10 |
10.25. | ||||||||||
11.01. | ||||||||||
11.08. | ||||||||||
11.15. | ||||||||||
11.22. | ||||||||||
11.29. | ||||||||||
12.06. |
T2 (Thursday 12:00-15:30):
Date: | Group 11 | Group 12 | Group 13 | Group 14 | Group 15 | Group 16 | Group 17 | Group 18 | Group 19 |
10.24. | |||||||||
10.31. | |||||||||
11.07. | |||||||||
11.14. | |||||||||
11.21. | |||||||||
11.28. | |||||||||
12.05. |
The final grade is 50-50% based on the laboratory practice reports and the written exam.
Laboratory practice reports (50% of the final grade):
- Everyone should perform 7 laboratory experiments, based on the weekly schedule above.
- A written laboratory report about each of the practices performed should be submitted at the end of the semester to the instructors (Dr. András Kiss or Dr. Gábor Lente).
- Everyone must submit their own report individually, even if the measurements were performed in 3- or 4-membered working groups.
- Submission deadline: ???11 December 2024???.
- The laboratory reports will be corrected and handed back to everyone.
- Return date: ???18 December 2024???.
Written exam (50% of the final grade):
- Dates are announced in NEPTUN. You must register in NEPTUN for the selected date.
- Types of question on the written exam:
- multiple choice questions (based on the lecture material),
- short essays, basic equations, definitions, and diagrams (based on the lecture material),
- false or true questions (based on the lecture material),
- calculations (based on the laboratory practice).
- A SAMPLE TEST can be downloaded here.