oszcilláló reakció
Credit: https://nicolasstrappini.com/2016/07/04/oscillating-reactions/#jp-carousel-3987

Department of Physical Chemistry and Materials Science
Welcome to the website of the Department of Physical Chemistry and Materials Science of the University of Pécs!
The Department of Physical Chemistry and Materials Science (until 2021, Department of General and Physical Chemistry) was established in 1996, after founding the Department of Chemistry of the Teacher Training College, the Theoretical Chemistry Research Goup, and the Department of Chemistry and Biochemistry. After the establishment of the department in 1996, Dr. Géza Nagy was the head of the department leeding the teaching and research work until 2009. From 2009, the head of department was associate professor Dr. Sándor Kunsági-Máté, and from 2018 onwards, Dr. Gábor Lente.
The original teaching assignment of the department was the training of physical chemistry for chemistry teacher students, which was expanded with the launch of new courses starting in 2000. Our current fields of education are chemistry BSc and chemistry MSc courses, environmental sciences BSc and MSc courses, training of biology, pharmacy and viticulturist engineering students. The department is involved in doctoral training as an important base of the Doctoral School of Chemistry at PTE.
You can read more about the research carried out in the department on the webpages of the research groups:
Electrochemistry Research Group
Mathematical Reaction Kinetics Research Group
Optical Sensors Research Group
Publications of the members of the Department of Physical Chemistry and Materials Science can be downloaded under the Colleagues menu individually, or summarized from the MTMT database.