Neurobiológiai Tanszék borító

Völgyi lab
Prof. Dr. Béla Völgyi, Dr. Tamás Kovács-Öller, Gergely Szarka, Márton Balogh, Boglárka Balogh, Hanaa Rahmoun
Research description
Over 85% of the information perceived by our nervous system is processed by the retina, thus it is essential to understand how the retinal neuronal hyper-network works. Electrical synapses have been known for some 40 years, however, their crucial role in visual information processing has only become evident in recent years. Our team performs experiments to show that electrically coupled retinal neuronal networks play important roles in higher visual functions. We examine the expressional changes of the gap junction forming connexin proteins during postnatal development and/or induced by changes in the environment. Our work particularly focuses on those inner retinal gap junctions that are formed by ganglion and amacrine cells (ganglion-ganglion, amacrine-amacrine, and amacrine-ganglion) and participate in the synchronization of ganglion cell action potentials. We study how such ganglion cell population activity encodes certain visual patterns or visual cues. We also study how the function of electrical and chemical synapses affect each other and if they interfere and/or cooperate to serve signaling. The results of our research will contribute to algorithms for the stimulation of retinal prostheses and/or to provide data to design high-performance bionic eyes for robotics.
Also, see us at the Szentagothai Research Centre Retinal Neurobiology Rresearch Group
Gábriel lab
Prof. Dr. Róbert Gábriel Róbert, Dr. Andrea Kovács-Valasek, Dr. Etelka Pöstyényi, Alina Bolboaca
Research description
Our research focus is to expand our knowledge of the mechanisms of metabolic retinal degeneration by exploiting experimental work with animal models. We explore how metabolic mechanisms that mediate human retinal degenerations induce retinal cell loss, and which biochemical signaling pathways are involved in mechanisms that eventually impair vision. Our results will reveal the potential rescue mechanisms to avoid retinal degeneration by blocking the degeneration pathways or by enhancing mechanisms that serve neuronal protection. The knowledge on this latter issue will allow us to test and design new pharmacological compounds. Throughout these experiments, we will also gain information on the mechanisms of retinal information processing, neuronal degeneration, and neuronal protection.
Also, see us at the Szentagothai Research Centre Retinal Neurobiology Rresearch Group
Hernádi lab
Dr. István Hernádi, Dr. Zsolt Bali, Dr. Balázs Knakker, Judit Zubánné Inkeller, Antionetta Kovács, Lili Veronika Nagy, Nóra Bruszt, Anna Padányi, Csaba Bérces, Áron Kolozsvári, Evelin Kiefer, Nikoletta Máténé Nagy
Research description
The Translational Neuroscience Research Group was establish by István Hernádi, PhD in 2012 at the University of Pécs. The research group develops preclinical models of neurocognitive disorders in four laboratories:
- Small animal behavior laboratory: general activity, open field test, elevated plus maze test, forced swim test, food-choice tests, computer-controlled operant behavioral chambers, neurotoxic brain lesions, reversible brain inactivation, central/systemic administration of bioactive agents.
- In vivo cellular laboratory: extracellular unit recording, stereotaxic apparatus, biological signal conditioning (amplifiers, filters, ADCs, measurement of voltage and current), constant current generators (for microiontophoresis).
- Non human primate (NHP) research laboratory at the Grastyán Endre Translational Research Centre
- Human psychophysiology laboratory: high performance 32 channel biological amplifier (EEG, EMG, ECG, EOG), computer-controlled behavioral apparatus. Current research 1) basic: neurophysiology of face perception; 2) applied: neurocognitive effects of non-ionising environmental electromagnetic fields.
The research group is dedicated to basic and applied research in systems neuroscience. We aim to adopt and further develop in vivo animal and human models of higher-order mammalian brain function with special emphasis on searching functional biomarkers of pathological mechanisms related to neurodegenerative brain disorders, esp. Alzheimer's disease, schizophrenia and developmental spectrum disorders. The four laboratories provide a unique repertoire of technical tools for targeting multidisciplinary research within the same research group. Our main objective is to support the need of parallel comprehensive testing of novel drug-candidates against cognitive impairment in in vivo preclinical animal experiments and human studies.
Also, see us at the Szentagothai Research Centre Translational Neuroscience Research Group
Also, see us at the Translational Neuroscience Research Group's website