Neurobiológiai Tanszék borító

Teaching materials
Course folders (Google Drive)
Thesis topics
Topics (Google Drive)
- Comparative Anatomy I.
- Comparative Anatomy II.
- Comparative Anatomy I. practical
- Comparative Anatomy II. practical
- Basic developmental biology
- Models in Neurobiology
- Comparative Physiology I.
- Comparative Physiology II.
- Comparative Physiology I. practical
- Comparative Physiology II. practical
- Cell Biology
- Cell Biology practical
- Basic Laboratory skills lab.
- Microtechniques
- Proposal preparation and scientific communication
- Recent advances in cognitive neuroscience
- Neurobiology of learning and memory
- Journal Club (Advances in neurobiology and regeneration biology)
- Molecular genetics - I.
- Molecular genetics - II.
- Evolution of the structure and function in the living being
- Developmental biology
- Image acquisition and processing in biology
- Human-machine interface systems in neurobiology
- Cellular transformations
- Experimental neuroanatomy
- Regulatory biology
- Immunbiology
- Immunbiology practical
- Cellular and integrative neurobiology I.
- Cellular and integrative neurobiology II.
- Cellular and integrative neurobiology III. (practical)